Part I. Design Patterns and Qt
Table of Contents
- 1. C++ Introduction
- 1.1. Overview of C++
- 1.2. A Brief History of C++
- 1.3. C++ First Example
- 1.4. Standard Input and Output
- 1.4.1. Exercises: Standard Input and Output
- 1.5. Introduction to Functions
- 1.5.1. Exercises: Introduction to Functions
- 1.6.
, Project Files, and Makefile
- 1.6.1.
: Finding Header Files
- 1.7. Getting Help Online
- 1.8. Strings
- 1.9. Streams
- 1.10. File Streams
- 1.10.1. Exercises: File Streams
- 1.11. Qt Dialogs for User Input/Output
- 1.11.1. Exercises: Qt Dialogs for User Input/Output
- 1.12. Identifiers, Types, and Literals
- 1.12.1. Exercises: Identifiers, Types, and Literals
- 1.13. C++ Simple Types
- 1.13.1.
, and Command-Line Arguments - 1.13.2. Arithmetic
- 1.13.3. Exercises: C++ Simple Types
- 1.14. The Keyword
- 1.15. Pointers and Memory Access
- 1.15.1. The Unary Operators & and *
- 1.15.2. Operators
and delete
- 1.15.3. Exercises: Pointers and Memory Access
- 1.16. Reference Variables
- 1.17.
and *const
- 1.18. Review Questions
- 1.18.1. Points of Departure
- 2. Top of the
- 2.1. First, There Was
- 2.2. Class Definitions
- 2.3. Member Access Specifiers
- 2.4. Encapsulation
- 2.5. Introduction to UML
- 2.5.1. UML Relationships
- 2.6. Friends of a Class
- 2.7. Constructors
- 2.8. Destructors
- 2.9. The Keyword
- 2.10. Class Declarations and Definitions
- 2.11. Copy Constructors and Assignment Operators
- 2.12. Conversions
- 2.13.
Member Functions - 2.14. Subobjects
- 2.15. Exercise: Classes
- 2.16. Review Questions
- 3. Introduction to Qt
- 3.1. Style Guidelines, Naming Conventions
- 3.2. The Qt Core Module
- 3.2.1. Streams and Dates
- 3.3.
– An IDE for Qt Programming - 3.4. Exercises: Introduction to Qt
- 3.5. Review Questions
- 3.5.1. Points of Departure
- 4. Lists
- 4.1. Introduction to Containers
- 4.2. Iterators
- 4.2.1.
and iteration - 4.2.2.
QDir, QFileInfo, QDirIterator
- 4.3. Relationships
- 4.3.1. Relationships Summary
- 4.4. Exercise: Relationships
- 4.5. Review Questions
- 5. Functions
- 5.1. Overloading Functions
- 5.1.1. Exercises: Overloading Functions
- 5.2. Default (Optional) Arguments
- 5.3. Operator Overloading
- 5.3.1. Exercises: Operator Overloading
- 5.4. Parameter Passing by Value
- 5.5. Parameter Passing by Reference
- 5.6. References to
- 5.7. Function Return Values
- 5.8. Returning References from Functions
- 5.9. Overloading on
- 5.9.1. Exercises: Overloading on const
- 5.10.
Functions - 5.10.1. Inlining Versus Macro Expansion
- 5.11. Functions with Variable-Length Argument Lists
- 5.12. Exercise: Encryption
- 5.13. Review Questions
- 6. Inheritance and Polymorphism
- 6.1. Simple Derivation
- 6.1.1. Inheritance Client Code Example
- 6.1.2. Exercises: Simple Derivation
- 6.2. Derivation with Polymorphism
- 6.2.1. Exercises: Derivation with Polymorphism
- 6.3. Derivation from an Abstract Base Class
- 6.4. Overloading, Hiding, and Overriding
- 6.5. Constructors, Destructors, and Copy Assignment Operators
- 6.6. Processing Command-Line Arguments
- 6.6.1. Derivation and
- 6.6.2. Exercises: Processing Command-Line Arguments
- 6.7. Containers
- 6.8. Managed Containers, Composites and Aggregates
- 6.8.1. Exercises: Managed Containers, Composites and Aggregates
- 6.9. Containers of Pointers
- 6.9.1. Exercises: Containers of Pointers
- 6.10. Review Questions
- 7. Libraries and Design Patterns
- 7.1. Building and Reusing Libraries
- 7.1.1. Organizing Libraries: Dependency Management
- 7.1.2. Installing Libraries
- 7.2. Exercise: Installing Libraries
- 7.3. Frameworks and Components
- 7.4. Design Patterns
- 7.4.1. Serializer Pattern: QTextStream and QDataStream
- 7.4.2. AntiPatterns
- Points of Departure
- 7.5. Review Questions
- 8. QObject, QApplication, Signals, and Slots
- 8.1. Values and Objects
- 8.2. Composite Pattern: Parents and Children
- 8.2.1. Finding Children
- 8.2.2. QObject's Child Managment
- Exercises: QObject's Child Managment
- 8.3. QApplication and the Event Loop
- 8.4.
and moc: A checklist - 8.5. Signals and Slots
- 8.5.1. Points of Departure
- 8.6. QObject Lifecycle
- 8.7. QTestLib
- 8.8. Exercises: QObject, QApplication, Signals, and Slots
- 8.9. Review Questions
- 9. Widgets and Designer
- 9.1. Widget Categories
- 9.2. Designer Introduction
- 9.3. Dialogs
- 9.4. Form Layout
- 9.5. Icons, Images and Resources
- 9.6. Layout of Widgets
- 9.6.1. Spacing, Stretching, and Struts
- 9.6.2. Size Policy and Size Hint
- 9.6.3. Exercises: Layout of Widgets
- 9.7. Designer Integration with Code
- 9.7.1. QtCreator Integration with Designer
- 9.8. Exercise: Input Forms
- 9.9. The Event Loop: Revisited
- 9.9.1. QTimer
- Exercises: QTimer
- 9.10. Paint Events, Drawing Images
- 9.11. Review Questions
- 10. MainWindows and Actions
- 10.1.
s, QMenu
s, and QMenuBar
s - 10.1.1.
s, QToolbar
s, and QActionGroup
s - 10.1.2. Exercise: CardGame GUI
- 10.2. Regions and QDockWidgets
- 10.3. QSettings: Saving and Restoring Application State
- 10.4. Clipboard and Data Transfer Operations
- 10.5. The Command Pattern
- 10.5.1. QUndoCommand and Image Manipulation
- Exercises: QUndoCommand and Image Manipulation
- 10.6.
and Internationalization - 10.7. Exercises: MainWindows
- 10.8. Review Questions
- 11. Generics and Containers
- 11.1. Generics and Templates
- 11.1.1. Function Templates
- Exercises: Function Templates
- 11.1.2. Class Templates
- 11.1.3. Exercises: Generics and Templates
- 11.2. Generics, Algorithms, and Operators
- 11.2.1. Exercises: Generics, Algorithms, and Operators
- 11.3. Sorted Map Example
- 11.4. Function Pointers and Functors
- 11.5. Flyweight Pattern: Implicitly Shared Classes
- 11.6. Exercise: Generics
- 11.7. Review Questions
- 12. Meta Objects, Properties, and Reflective Programming
- 12.1. QMetaObject - The Meta Object Pattern
- 12.2. Type Identification and qobject_cast
- 12.3. Q_PROPERTY Macro - Describing QObject Properties
- 12.4. QVariant Class: Accessing Properties
- 12.5. Dynamic Properties
- 12.6. MetaTypes, Declaring and Registering
- 12.7.
- 12.8. Exercises: Reflection
- 12.9. Review Questions
- 13. Models and Views
- 13.1. Model-View-Controller (MVC)
- 13.2. Qt Models and Views
- 13.2.1. QFileSystemModel
- 13.2.2. Multiple Views
- 13.2.3. Delegate Classes
- 13.3. Table Models
- 13.3.1. Standard or Abstract?
- 13.3.2. Editable Models
- 13.3.3. Sorting and Filtering
- 13.4. Tree Models
- 13.4.1. Trolltech Model Testing Tool
- 13.5. Smarter Pointers
- 13.6. Exercises: Models and Views
- 13.7. Review Questions
- 14. Validation and Regular Expressions
- 14.1. Input Masks
- 14.1.1. Exercises: Input Masks
- 14.2. Validators
- 14.2.1. Exercises: Validators
- 14.3. Regular Expressions
- 14.3.1. Regular Expression Syntax
- 14.3.2. Regular Expressions: Phone Number Recognition
- 14.3.3. Exercises: Regular Expressions
- 14.4. Regular Expression Validation
- 14.5. Subclassing QValidator
- 14.6. Exercises: Validation and Regular Expressions
- 14.7. Review Questions
- 15. Parsing XML
- 15.1. The Qt XML Parsers
- 15.2. SAX Parsing
- 15.3. XML, Tree Structures, and DOM
- 15.3.1. DOM Tree Walking
- 15.3.2. Generation of XML with DOM
- 15.4. XML Streams
- 15.5. Review Questions
- 16. More Design Patterns
- 16.1. Creational Patterns
- 16.1.1. Abstract Factory
- 16.1.2. Abstract Factories and Libraries
- 16.1.3.
and Singleton Pattern - 16.1.4. Benefits of Using Factories
- 16.1.5. Exercises: Creational Patterns
- 16.2. Memento Pattern
- 16.2.1. Exporting to XML
- 16.2.2. Importing Objects with an Abstract Factory
- 16.3. The Façade Pattern
- 16.4. Review Questions
- 16.4.1. Points of Departure
- 17. Concurrency
- 17.1. QProcess and Process Control
- 17.1.1. Processes and Environment
- 17.1.2. Qonsole: Writing an Xterm in Qt
- 17.1.3. Qonsole with Keyboard Events
- 17.1.4. Exercises: QProcess and Process Control
- 17.2. QThread and QtConcurrent
- 17.2.1. Thread Safety and
s - 17.2.2. Parallel Prime Number Calculators
- 17.2.3. Concurrent Map/Reduce Example
- 17.3. Exercises: QThread and QtConcurrent
- 17.4. Review Questions
- 18. Database Programming
- 18.1. QSqlDatabase: Connecting to SQL from Qt
- 18.2. Queries and Result Sets
- 18.3. Database Models
- 18.4. Review Questions