5.3. Operator Overloading

[ fromfile: functions.xml id: operatoroverloading ]

Example 5.6. src/complex/complex.h

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Complex {
    // binary nonmember friend function declarations
    friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const Complex& c);
    friend Complex operator-(const Complex& c1, const Complex & c2);
    friend Complex operator*(const Complex& c1, const Complex & c2);
    friend Complex operator/(const Complex& c1, const Complex & c2);

    Complex(double re = 0.0, double im = 0.0);   1

    // binary member function operators
    Complex& operator+= (const Complex& c);
    Complex& operator-= (const Complex& c);

    Complex operator+(const Complex & c2);       2

    double m_Re, m_Im;


Default and conversion constructor.


This should be a nonmember friend like the other nonmutating operators.

Example 5.7. src/complex/complex.cpp

[ . . . . ]

Complex& Complex::operator+=(const Complex& c) {
    m_Re += c.m_Re;
    m_Im += c.m_Im;
    return *this;

Complex Complex::operator+(const Complex& c2) {
    return Complex(m_Re + c2.m_Re, m_Im + c2.m_Im);

Complex& Complex::operator-=(const Complex& c) {
    m_Re -= c.m_Re;
    m_Im -= c.m_Im;
    return *this;

Example 5.8. src/complex/complex.cpp

[ . . . . ]

ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const Complex& c) {
    out << '(' << c.m_Re << ',' << c.m_Im << ')' ;
    return out;

Complex operator-(const Complex& c1, const Complex& c2) {
    return Complex(c1.m_Re - c2.m_Re, c1.m_Im - c2.m_Im);

Example 5.9. src/complex/complex-test.cpp

#include "complex.h"
#include <iostream>

int main() {
    using namespace std;
    Complex c1(3.4, 5.6);
    Complex c2(7.8, 1.2);
    cout << c1 << " + " << c2 << " = " << c1 + c2 << endl;
    cout << c1 << " - " << c2 << " = " << c1 - c2 << endl;
    Complex c3 = c1 * c2;
    cout << c1 << " * " << c2 << " = " << c3 << endl;
    cout << c3 << " / " << c2 << " = " << c3 / c2 << endl;
    cout << c3 << " / " << c1 << " = " << c3 / c1 << endl;
    return 0;

(3.4,5.6) + (7.8,1.2) = (11.2,6.8)
(3.4,5.6) - (7.8,1.2) = (-4.4,4.4)
(3.4,5.6) * (7.8,1.2) = (19.8,47.76)
(19.8,47.76) / (7.8,1.2) = (3.4,5.6)
(19.8,47.76) / (3.4,5.6) = (7.8,1.2)

Here is a way to remember which operators can be overloaded. If the symbol has a dot (.) in it anywhere, overloading is probably not allowed.


Overloading the comma operator is permitted but not recommended until you are a C++ expert.


It is possible to define a new meaning for a built-in operator symbol so that it can be used with operands of different types. But it is not possible to change the associativity or the precedence of a built-in operator symbol.