3.2.1.  Streams and Dates

[ fromfile: qtcore.xml id: qstreams ]

Example 3.1. src/qstd/qstd.h

[ . . . . ]
namespace qstd {

     // declared but not defined:
     extern QTextStream cout;
     extern QTextStream cin;
     extern QTextStream cerr;

     // function declarations:
     bool yes(QString yesNoQuestion);
     bool more(QString prompt);
     int promptInt(int base = 10);
     double promptDouble();
     void promptOutputFile(QFile& outfile);
     void promptInputFile(QFile& infile);
[ . . . . ]

Example 3.2. src/qstd/qstd.cpp

[ . . . . ]

QTextStream qstd::cout(stdout, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
QTextStream qstd::cin(stdin, QIODevice::ReadOnly);
QTextStream qstd::cerr(stderr, QIODevice::WriteOnly);

/* Namespace members are like static class members */
bool qstd::yes(QString question) {
    QString ans;
    cout << QString(" %1 [y/n]? ").arg(question);
    ans = cin.readLine();
    return (ans.startsWith("Y", Qt::CaseInsensitive));

Example 3.3. src/qtio/qtio-demo.cpp

[ . . . . ]
#include <qstd.h>

int main() {
    using namespace qstd;
    QDate d1(2002, 4,1), d2(QDate::currentDate());
    int days;
    cout << "The first date is: " << d1.toString()
            << "\nToday's date is: " 
            << d2.toString("ddd MMMM d, yyyy")<< endl;

    if (d1 <  d2)
        cout << d1.toString("MM/dd/yy") << " is earlier than " 
                << d2.toString("yyyyMMdd") << endl;

    cout << "There are " << d1.daysTo(d2) 
            << " days between "
            << d1.toString("MMM dd, yyyy") << " and " 
            << d2.toString(Qt::ISODate)  << endl;

    cout << "Enter number of days to add to the first date: " 
            <<  flush;
    days = promptInt();
    cout << "The first date was " << d1.toString()
            << "\nThe computed date is " 
            <<  d1.addDays(days).toString() << endl;
    cout << "First date displayed in longer format: "
            << d1.toString("dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy")  << endl;
[ . . . . ]

Example 3.4. src/qtio/qtio.pro

CONFIG += debug console

CONFIG -= moc
INCLUDEPATH += . ../qstd
DEPENDPATH += ../qstd

# Input
SOURCES += qtio-demo.cpp qstd.cpp
HEADERS += qstd.h

The first date is: Mon Apr 1 2002
Today's date is: Wed January 4, 2006
04/01/02 is earlier than 20060104
There are 1374 days between Apr 01, 2002 and 2006-01-04
Enter number of days to add to the first date: : 1234
The first date was Mon Apr 1 2002
The computed date is Wed Aug 17 2005
First date displayed in longer format: Monday, April 01, 2002