15.3.2.  Generation of XML with DOM

[ fromfile: xml-dom.xml id: xmlgeneration ]

Figure 15.6.  DocbookDoc


Example 15.11. src/libs/docbook/docbookdoc.h

[ . . . . ]

typedef QDomElement Element; 1


Saves on typing, and is consistent with Java DOM.

Example 15.12. src/xml/dombuilder/zenflesh.cpp

#include <QTextStream>
#include <docbookdoc.h>

class ZenFlesh : public DocbookDoc {
    public: ZenFlesh();

ZenFlesh::ZenFlesh() : 
    DocbookDoc("Zen Flesh, Zen Bones") {

    chapter("101 Zen Stories");
    section("A cup of tea");
    para("Nan-in served a cup of tea.");
    section("Great Waves");
    QDomElement p = para("o-nami the wrestler sat in meditation and "
            "tried to imagine himself as a bunch of great waves.");
    setRole(p, "remark");
    chapter("The Gateless Gate");
    formalpara("The Gateless Gate",
      "In order to enter the gateless gate, you must have a ");
    bold(" mindless mind.");

    section("Joshu's dog");
    para("Has a dog buddha nature or not?");

    section("Haykujo's Fox");
    QDomElement fp = formalpara("This is a special topic", 
       "Which should have a role= remark attribute");
    setRole(fp, "remark");

int main() {
   QTextStream cout(stdout);
   ZenFlesh book;
   cout << book << endl;

Example 15.13. src/xml/zen.xml

    <title>Zen Flesh, Zen Bones</title>
        <title>101 Zen Stories</title>
            <title>A cup of tea</title>
            <para>Nan-in served a cup of tea.</para>
            <title>Great Waves</title>
            o-nami the wrestler sat in meditation and tried
            to imagine himself as a bunch of great waves.
        <title>The Gateless Gate</title>
            <title>The Gateless Gate</title>
            In order to enter the gateless gate,
            you must have a <emphasis role="strong">
            mindless mind</emphasis>
            <title>Joshu's dog</title>
            <para>Has a dog buddha nature or not?</para>
            <title>Haykujo's Fox</title>
            <formalpara role="remark">
                <title>This is a special topic</title>
                Which should have a role="remark" attribute

Example 15.14. src/xml/zen2html

# Translates zen.xml into index.html.
# Requires gnu xsltproc and docbook-xsl.
# DOCBOOK=/usr/share/docbook-xsl
xsltproc $DOCBOOK/html/onechunk.xsl zen.xml

Example 15.15. src/libs/docbook/docbookdoc.cpp

[ . . . . ]

Element DocbookDoc::bridgehead(QString titleStr) {
    Element retval = createElement("bridgehead");
    Element titleEl = title(titleStr);
    return retval;
Element DocbookDoc::title(QString name, Element parent) {
    Element retval = createElement("title");
    QDomText tn = createTextNode(name);
    if (parent != Element())
    return retval;

Element DocbookDoc::chapter(QString titleString) {
    Element chapter = createElement("chapter");
    title(titleString, chapter);
    currentParent = chapter;
    currentChapter = chapter;
    return chapter;

Element DocbookDoc::para(QString textstr) {
    QDomText tn = createTextNode(textstr);
    Element para = createElement("para");
    currentPara = para;
    return para;

Example 15.16. src/libs/docbook/docbookdoc.cpp

[ . . . . ]

Element DocbookDoc::bold(QString text) {
    QDomText tn = createTextNode(text);
    Element emphasis = createElement("emphasis");
    setRole(emphasis, "strong");
    return emphasis;

void  DocbookDoc::setRole(Element el, QString role) {
    el.setAttribute("role", role);    