11.2.  Generics, Algorithms, and Operators

[ fromfile: generics.xml id: genericoperators ]


Example 11.6. src/containers/sortlist/sortlist4.cpp

#include <QList>
#include <QtAlgorithms>   // for qSort()
#include <QStringList>
#include <QDebug>

class CaseIgnoreString : public QString {
    CaseIgnoreString(const QString& other = QString()) 
    : QString(other) {}
    bool operator<(const QString & other) const {
        return toLower() < other.toLower();
    bool operator==(const QString& other) const {
        return toLower() == other.toLower();

int main() {
    CaseIgnoreString s1("Apple"), s2("bear"),
                     s3 ("CaT"), s4("dog"), s5 ("Dog");

    Q_ASSERT(s4 == s5);
    Q_ASSERT(s2 < s3);
    Q_ASSERT(s3 < s4);

    QList<CaseIgnoreString> namelist;

    namelist << s5 << s1 << s3 << s4 << s2; 1

    qSort(namelist.begin(), namelist.end());
    int i=0;
    foreach (const QString &stritr, namelist) {
        qDebug() << QString("namelist[%1] = %2")
                       .arg(i++).arg(stritr) ;

    QStringList strlist;
    strlist << s5 << s1 << s3 << s4 << s2; 2

    qSort(strlist.begin(), strlist.end());
    qDebug() << "StringList sorted: " + strlist.join(", ");
    return 0;


Insert all items in an order that is definitely not sorted.


The value collection holds QString but, if you add CaseIgnoreString, a conversion is required.

Example 11.7. src/containers/sortlist/sortlist-output.txt

namelist[0] = Apple
namelist[1] = bear
namelist[2] = CaT
namelist[3] = dog
namelist[4] = Dog
StringList sorted: Apple, CaT, Dog, bear, dog

[54] There is a nice article about heapsort in Wikipedia