[ fromfile: libraries-questions.xml id: libraries-questions ]
What is a platform? What platform do you use? What platform can be found in the labs at your school or work place?
What is code reuse? How is it done? What is good about it?
What is the role of a compiler?
What is the role of a linker?
Name three kinds of C++ libraries.
What is CPPLIBS? Why do you need it?
For each of these items, decide whether it would normally be found in a header (.h
) file or an implementation (.cpp
) file and explain why.
Function definitions
Function declarations
object declarations
object definitions
Class definitions
Class declarations
function definitions
function declarations
Default argument specifiers
What is the difference between a compile time dependency and a link time dependency?
What is a framework? Are you using one?
What is a design pattern? What do most design patterns have in common?
What is an AntiPattern?
Generated: 2012-03-02 | © 2012 Alan Ezust and Paul Ezust. |