[ fromfile: inheritance-intro.xml id: containersofpointers ]
In Section 1.15.1 you saw that all pointers are the same (small) size.
That is just one of the reasons that you should prefer to work with containers of pointers rather than containers of objects.
many of the classes that you will use are members of inheritance trees
So, a container of base class pointers can hold addresses of any derived objects.
Polymorphism then enables the appropriate functions to get called through these pointers at runtime.
To use polymorphism there must be a prototype in the base class for each function that you may want to call - even if it cannot be defined in the base class.
That is why pure virtual functions are sometimes needed.
The base class provides the interface that can work with the concrete, derived objects.
Containers of pointers require careful destruction procedures to avoid memory leaks.
Also, access to and maintenance of the pointers must be carefully controlled so that no attempt to dereference a null or undefined pointer is ever made.
This is not as difficult as it might sound.
When you add a pointer to the container, make sure that it is initialized immediately. If that is not possible it should be assigned a value of 0.
When an individual pointer is no longer needed, remove it and delete
it. If immediate removal is not convenient for some reason, the deleted pointer should be reassigned or set to 0.
When it is time to destroy a Qt container of pointers, call qDeleteAll()
is a generic algorithm that works with all Qt container classes.
Each specific Qt container class has its own clear()
member function.
Always keep in mind that bad things can happen if you allow an object that contains pointers to be copied.
In Chapter 8 and subsequent chapters, there are several opportunities to work with containers of various types of pointers.
Extended Example: A Simple Library.
For the purposes of this example, we regard a library as a collection of various kinds of reference materials.
Because all its constructors are protected
, no RefItem object can be constructed by client code.
Thus, RefItem
is an abstract base class.
Example 6.30. src/pointer-container/library.h
[ . . . . ] class RefItem { public: virtual ~RefItem(); QString getItemType() const; QString getISBN() const; QString getTitle() const; int getNumberOfCopies() const; virtual QString toString(QString sep="[::]") const; void setNumberOfCopies(int newVal); protected: RefItem(QString type, QString isbn, QString title, int numCopies=1); RefItem(QStringList& proplist); private: QString m_ItemType, m_ISBN, m_Title; int m_NumberOfCopies; };
The base class and each of the derived classes has a constructor that takes a single QStringList reference parameter.
There are no I/O operations in any of these classes.
Example 6.31. src/pointer-container/library.h
[ . . . . ] class Book : public RefItem { public: Book(QString type, QString isbn, QString title, QString author, QString pub, int year, int numCopies=1); Book(QStringList& proplist); virtual QString toString(QString sep="[::]") const; QString getAuthor() const; QString getPublisher() const; int getCopyrightYear() const; private: QString m_Author, m_Publisher; int m_CopyrightYear; }; class ReferenceBook : public Book { public: enum RefCategory {NONE = -1, Art, Architecture, ComputerScience, Literature, Math, Music, Science}; ReferenceBook(QString type, QString isbn, QString title, QString author, QString pub, int year, RefCategory refcat, int numCopies=1); ReferenceBook(QStringList& proplist); QString toString(QString sep="[::]") const; RefCategory getCategory() const; QString categoryString() const; static QStringList getRefCategories(); private: RefCategory m_Category; };
Example 6.32. src/pointer-container/library.cpp
[ . . . . ] QString RefItem::toString(QString sep) const { return QString("%1%2%3%4%5%6%7").arg(m_ItemType).arg(sep).arg(m_ISBN) .arg(sep).arg(m_Title).arg(sep) .arg(m_NumberOfCopies); } [ . . . . ] QString Book::toString(QString sep) const { return QString("%1%2%3%4%5%6%7").arg(RefItem::toString(sep)) .arg(sep).arg(m_Author).arg(sep).arg(m_Publisher) .arg(sep).arg(m_CopyrightYear); } [ . . . . ] QString ReferenceBook::toString(QString sep) const { return QString("%1%2%3").arg(Book::toString(sep)).arg(sep) .arg(categoryString()); } [ . . . . ] QString ReferenceBook::categoryString() const { switch(m_Category) { case Art: return "Art"; case Architecture: return "Architecture"; case ComputerScience: return "ComputerScience"; case Literature: return "Literature"; case Math: return "Math"; case Music: return "Music"; case Science: return "Science"; default: return "None"; } }
Example 6.33. src/pointer-container/library.cpp
[ . . . . ] RefItem::RefItem(QStringList& plst) : m_ItemType(plst.takeFirst()), m_ISBN(plst.takeFirst()), m_Title(plst.takeFirst()), m_NumberOfCopies(plst.takeFirst().toInt()) { } [ . . . . ] Book::Book(QStringList& plst) : RefItem(plst), m_Author(plst.takeFirst()), m_Publisher(plst.takeFirst()), m_CopyrightYear(plst.takeFirst().toInt()) { } [ . . . . ] ReferenceBook::ReferenceBook(QStringList& plst) : Book(plst), m_Category(static_cast<RefCategory>(plst.takeFirst().toInt())) { }
Example 6.34. src/pointer-container/library.h
[ . . . . ] class Library : public QList<RefItem*> { public: Library() {} ~Library(); void addRefItem(RefItem*& refitem); int removeRefItem(QString isbn); QString toString(QString sep="\n") const; bool isInList(QString isbn); QString getItemString(QString isbn); private: Library(const Library&); Library& operator=(const Library&); RefItem* findRefItem(QString isbn); };
Example 6.35. src/pointer-container/library.cpp
[ . . . . ] Library::~Library() { qDeleteAll(*this); clear(); } Library::Library(const Library&) : QList<RefItem*>() {} Library& Library::operator=(const Library&) { return *this; } void Library::addRefItem(RefItem*& refitem) { QString isbn(refitem->getISBN()); RefItem* oldItem(findRefItem(isbn)); if(oldItem==0) append(refitem); else { qDebug() << isbn << " Already in list:\n" << oldItem->toString() << "\nIncreasing number of copies " << "and deleting new pointer." ; int newNum(oldItem->getNumberOfCopies() + refitem->getNumberOfCopies()); oldItem->setNumberOfCopies(newNum); delete refitem; refitem = 0; } } int Library::removeRefItem(QString isbn) { RefItem* ref(findRefItem(isbn)); int numCopies(-1); if(ref) { numCopies = ref->getNumberOfCopies() - 1; if(numCopies== 0) { removeAll(ref); delete ref; } else ref->setNumberOfCopies(numCopies); } return numCopies; }
Example 6.36. src/pointer-container/library.cpp
[ . . . . ] RefItem* Library::findRefItem(QString isbn) { for(int i = 0; i < size(); ++i) { if(at(i)->getISBN().trimmed() == isbn.trimmed()) return at(i); } return 0; } bool Library::isInList(QString isbn) { return findRefItem(isbn); } QString Library::toString(QString sep) const { QStringList reflst; for(int i = 0; i < size(); ++i) reflst << at(i)->toString(); return reflst.join(sep); } QString Library::getItemString(QString isbn) { RefItem* ref(findRefItem(isbn)); if(ref) return ref->toString(); else return QString(); }
Note | |
We did not have the option to use the |
Example 6.37. src/pointer-container/libraryClient.cpp
[ . . . . ] QTextStream cout(stdout); QTextStream cin(stdin); enum Choices {READ=1, ADD, FIND, REMOVE, SAVE, LIST, QUIT}; enum Types {BOOK, REFERENCEBOOK, TEXTBOOK, DVD, FILM, DATADVD}; const QStringList TYPES = (QStringList() << "BOOK" << "REFERENCEBOOK" << "TEXTBOOK" << "DVD" << "FILM" << "DATADVD"); bool saved(false);
Example 6.38. src/pointer-container/libraryClient.cpp
[ . . . . ] Choices nextTask() { int choice; QString response; do { cout << READ << ". Read data from a file.\n" << ADD << ". Add items to the Library.\n" << FIND << ". Find and display an item.\n" << REMOVE << ". Remove an item from the Library.\n" << SAVE << ". Save the Library list to a file.\n" << LIST << ". Brief listing of Library items.\n" << QUIT << ". Exit from this program.\n" << "Your choice: " << flush; response = cin.readLine(); choice = response.toInt(); } while(choice < READ or choice > QUIT); return static_cast<Choices>(choice); } void add(Library& lib, QStringList objdata) { cout << objdata.join("[::]") << endl; QString type = objdata.first(); RefItem* ref; switch(static_cast<Types>(TYPES.indexOf(type))) { case BOOK: ref = new Book(objdata); lib.addRefItem(ref); break; case REFERENCEBOOK: ref = new ReferenceBook(objdata); lib.addRefItem(ref); break; [ . . . . ] default: qDebug() << "Bad type in add() function"; } }
Example 6.39. src/pointer-container/libraryClient.cpp
[ . . . . ] void save(Library& lib) { QFile outf("libfile"); outf.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); QTextStream outstr(&outf); outstr << lib.toString(); outf.close(); }
Example 6.40. src/pointer-container/libraryClient.cpp
[ . . . . ] void read(Library& lib) { const QString sep("[::]"); const int BADLIMIT(5); //max number of bad lines QString line, type; QStringList objdata; QFile inf("libfile"); inf.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); QTextStream instr(&inf); int badlines(0); while(not instr.atEnd()) { if(badlines >= BADLIMIT) { qDebug() << "Too many bad lines! Aborting."; return; } line = instr.readLine(); objdata = line.split(sep); if(objdata.isEmpty()) { qDebug() << "Empty Line in file!"; ++badlines; } else if(not TYPES.contains(objdata.first())) { qDebug() << "Bad type in line: " << objdata.join(";;;"); ++badlines; } else add(lib, objdata); } }
Example 6.41. src/pointer-container/libraryClient.cpp
[ . . . . ] QStringList promptRefItem() { const int MAXCOPIES(10); const int ISBNLEN(13); int copies; QString str; QStringList retval; while(1) { cout << "ISBN ("<< ISBNLEN << " digits): " << flush; str = cin.readLine(); if(str.length() == ISBNLEN) { retval << str; break; } } cout << "Title: " << flush; retval << cin.readLine(); while(1) { cout << "Number of copies: " << flush; copies = cin.readLine().toInt(); if(copies > 0 and copies <= MAXCOPIES) { str.setNum(copies); break; } } retval << str; return retval; } QStringList promptBook() { static const int MINYEAR(1900), MAXYEAR(QDate::currentDate().year()); int year; QStringList retval(promptRefItem()); QString str; cout << "Author: " << flush; retval << cin.readLine(); cout << "Publisher: " << flush; retval << cin.readLine(); while(1) { cout << "Copyright year: " << flush; year = cin.readLine().toInt(); if(year >= MINYEAR and year <= MAXYEAR) { str.setNum(year); break; } } retval << str; return retval; } QStringList promptReferenceBook() { int idx(0); bool ok; QString str; QStringList retval(promptBook()); QStringList cats(ReferenceBook::getRefCategories()); while(1) { cout << "Enter the index of the correct Reference Category: "; for(int i = 0; i < cats.size(); ++i) cout << "\n\t(" << i << ") " << cats.at(i); cout << "\n\t(-1)None of these\t:::" << flush; idx = cin.readLine().toInt(&ok); if(ok) { retval << str.setNum(idx); break; } } return retval; } [ . . . . ] void enterData(Library& lib) { QString typestr; while(1) { cout << "Library item type: " << flush; typestr = cin.readLine(); if(not TYPES.contains(typestr)) { cout << "Please enter one of the following types:\n" << TYPES.join(" ,") << endl; continue; } break; } QStringList objdata; switch (TYPES.indexOf(typestr)) { case BOOK: objdata = promptBook(); break; case REFERENCEBOOK: objdata = promptReferenceBook(); break; [ . . . . ] default: qDebug() << "Bad type in enterData()"; } objdata.prepend(typestr); add(lib, objdata); }
Example 6.42. src/pointer-container/libraryClient.cpp
[ . . . . ] int main() { Library lib; while(1) { switch(nextTask()) { case READ: read(lib); saved = false; break; case ADD: enterData(lib); saved = false; break; case FIND: find(lib); break; case REMOVE: remove(lib); saved = false; break; case SAVE: save(lib); saved = true; break; case LIST: list(lib); break; case QUIT: prepareToQuit(lib); break; default: break; } } }
Generated: 2012-03-02 | © 2012 Alan Ezust and Paul Ezust. |