15.2.  SAX Parsing

[ fromfile: xmlparsing.xml id: saxparsing ]

Example 15.4. src/xml/sax1/tagreader.cpp

#include "myhandler.h"
#include <QFile>
#include <QXmlInputSource>
#include <QXmlSimpleReader>
#include <QDebug>

int main( int argc, char **argv ) {
    if ( argc < 2 ) {
        qDebug() << QString("Usage: %1 <xmlfiles>").arg(argv[0]);
        return 1;
    MyHandler handler; 
    QXmlSimpleReader reader;                1
    reader.setContentHandler( &handler );   2
    for ( int i=1; i < argc; ++i ) {
        QFile xmlFile( argv[i] );
        QXmlInputSource source( &xmlFile );
        reader.parse( source );             3
    return 0;


The generic parser.


Hook the objects together.


Start parsing.

Figure 15.1.  Abstract and Concrete SAX Classes

Abstract and Concrete SAX Classes

Figure 15.2.  Plugin Component Architecture

Plugin Component Architecture

Example 15.5. src/xml/sax1/myhandler.h

[ . . . . ]
#include <QXmlDefaultHandler>
class QString;
class MyHandler : public QXmlDefaultHandler {
    bool startDocument();
    bool startElement( const QString & namespaceURI,
                       const QString & localName,
                       const QString & qName,
                       const QXmlAttributes & atts);
    bool characters(const QString& text);
    bool endElement( const QString & namespaceURI,
                     const QString & localName,
                     const QString & qName );
    QString indent;
[ . . . . ]

[Important] ContentHandler or DefaultHandler?
  • QXmlContentHandler is an abstract class with many pure virtual functions, all of which must be overridden by any concrete derived class.

  • Qt has provided a concrete class named QXmlDefaultHandler that implements the base class pure virtual functions as empty, do-nothing bodies.

Example 15.6. src/xml/sax1/myhandler.cpp

[ . . . . ]
QTextStream cout(stdout);

bool MyHandler::startDocument() {
    indent = "";
    return TRUE;

bool MyHandler::characters(const QString& text) {
    QString t = text;
    cout << t.remove('\n');
    return TRUE;

bool MyHandler::startElement( const QString&, 1
                             const QString&, const QString& qName, 
                             const QXmlAttributes& atts) {
    QString str = QString("\n%1\\%2").arg(indent).arg(qName);
    cout << str;
    if (atts.length()>0) {
        QString fieldName = atts.qName(0);
        QString fieldValue = atts.value(0);
        cout << QString("(%2=%3)").arg(fieldName).arg(fieldValue);
    cout << "{";
    indent += "    ";
    return TRUE;

bool MyHandler::endElement( const QString&,
    const QString& , const QString& ) {
    indent.remove( 0, 4 );
    cout << "}";
    return TRUE;
[ . . . . ]


We have omitted the names of the parameters that we don't use. This prevents the compiler from issuing "unused parameter" warnings.

Example 15.7. src/xml/sax1/tagreader-output.txt

    \title{ Intro to XML }
    \para{ This is a paragraph }
        \li{ This is an unordered list item. }
        \li(c=textbook){ This only shows up in the textbook }    }
    \p{ Look at this example code below: }