4.3.  Relationships

[ fromfile: relationships.xml id: relationships ]

Figure 4.1.  One-to-Many Relationship

One-to-Many Relationship

Figure 4.2.  The Employer's View of the Company

The Employer's View of the Company

    • There is a composition relationship (the filled diamond) between Employer and Position.

    • It indicates that the Employer owns or manages the Position, and the Position should not exist without the Employer.

    • There is an aggregation relationship (the empty diamond) from the Employer to its employees.

    • The Employer groups together a collection of Persons and gets them to do things during working hours.

    • In an aggregation relationship, the lifetimes of the objects on either end are not related to one other.

    • The Person and the Position have a bidirectional assocation between them.