6.6.  Constructors, Destructors, and Copy Assignment Operators

[ fromfile: derivedcdas.xml id: derivedcdas ]

Three special kinds of member functions are never inherited:

  1. Copy constructors

  2. Copy assignment operators

  3. Destructors

These three functions are generated automatically by the compiler for classes that do not specify them.

[Important] Why Are These Functions Special?

The base class functions are not sufficient to initialize, copy, or destroy a derived instance.


For a class that inherits from another, the base class constructor must be called as part of its initialization process. The derived constructor may specify which base class constructor is called in its initialization list.

A class with no constructors is automatically given a compiler-generated, public, default constructor that calls the default constructor for each of its base classes. If a class has some constructors but no default constructor, then it has no default initialization. In this case, any derived class constructor must make an explicit base class constructor call in its initialization list.

Order of Initialization

Initialization proceeds in the following order:

  1. Base classes first, in the order in which they are listed in the classHead of the derived class

  2. Data members, in declaration order

Copy Assignment Operators

A public copy assignment operator is automatically generated by the compiler for each class that does not have one explicitly defined for it. Because base class data members are generally private, the derived class copy assignment operator must call the base class assignment operator (for each base class) for memberwise copying of those data members to happen. After that, it can perform memberwise assignments of derived class data members.

Other member function operators are inherited the same way as normal member functions.

Copy Constructors

Like the copy assignment operator, a public copy constructor is automatically generated for classes that do not have one defined. The compiler-generated copy constructor carries out member-by-member initialization by copying the data members of its argument object.

Example 6.20 defined a class with a single constructor that requires three arguments, so Account has no default constructor (i.e., the compiler will not generate one). We declare the base class destructor virtual to ensure that the appropriate derived class destructor gets called when it is time to destroy a derived object accessed through a base class pointer.

Example 6.20. src/derivation/assigcopy/account.h

[ . . . . ]

class Account {
    Account(unsigned acctNum, double balance, QString owner);
    virtual ~Account(){
      qDebug() << "Closing Acct - sending e-mail " 
               << "to primary acctholder:" << m_Owner; }
    virtual QString getName() const {return m_Owner;}
    // other virtual functions
    unsigned  m_AcctNum;
    double    m_Balance;
    QString    m_Owner;

<include src="src/derivation/assigcopy/account.h" mode="cpp" href="src/derivation/assigcopy/account.h" id="assigcopyaccountbase" segid="account"/>

We did not define a copy constructor, which means the compiler will generate one for us. Therefore, this class can be instantiated in exactly two ways: (1) by calling the three-parameter constructor or (2) by invoking the compiler generated copy constructor and supplying an Account object argument.

Example 6.21 defines a derived class with two constructors. Both of them require base class initialization.

Example 6.21. src/derivation/assigcopy/account.h

[ . . . . ]

class JointAccount : public Account {
  JointAccount (unsigned acctNum, double balance, 
                QString owner, QString jowner);
  JointAccount(const Account & acct, QString jowner);
  ~JointAccount() {
     qDebug() << "Closing Joint Acct - sending e-mail "
              << "to joint acctholder:" << m_JointOwner; }
  QString getName() const { 
    return QString("%1 and %2").arg(Account::getName())
  // other overrides
  QString m_JointOwner;

<include src="src/derivation/assigcopy/account.h" href="src/derivation/assigcopy/account.h" mode="cpp" segid="jointaccount" id="jointaccounth"/>

In Example 6.22, the compiler enables JointAccount::JointAccount to use Account(const Account&) for initialization, even though we have not defined it. The compiler-generated copy constructor does memberwise copy/initialization in the order that the data members are listed in the class definition.

Example 6.22. src/derivation/assigcopy/account.cpp

[ . . . . ]

Account::Account(unsigned acctNum, double balance, QString owner) :
     m_AcctNum(acctNum), m_Balance(balance), m_Owner(owner)
    { }

JointAccount::JointAccount (unsigned acctNum, double balance,
                            QString owner, QString jowner)
    :Account(acctNum, balance, owner),
     m_JointOwner(jowner)   1
     { }

JointAccount::JointAccount (const Account& acc, QString jowner)
    :Account(acc),          2
    { }


Base class initialization required.


Compiler-generated copy constructor call.

<include src="src/derivation/assigcopy/account.cpp" mode="cpp" href="src/derivation/assigcopy/account.cpp" id="accountctors" segid="ctor"/>

Example 6.23 defines a little Bank class that maintains a list of Account pointers.

Example 6.23. src/derivation/assigcopy/bank.h

[ . . . . ]
class Account;

class Bank {
    Bank& operator<< (Account* acct); 1
    QString getAcctListing() const;
    QList<Account*> m_Accounts;
[ . . . . ]


This is how to add object pointers to m_Accounts.

<include src="src/derivation/assigcopy/bank.h" href="src/derivation/assigcopy/bank.h" id="bankcdash" mode="cpp"/>

in Example 6.24 the construction of the object a4 makes use of the JointAccount compiler-supplied copy constructor, which calls the Account compiler-supplied copy constructor.

Example 6.24. src/derivation/assigcopy/bank.cpp

[ . . . . ]
#include <QDebug>
#include "bank.h"
#include "account.h"

Bank::~Bank() {

Bank& Bank::operator<< (Account* acct) {
   m_Accounts << acct;
   return *this;

QString Bank::getAcctListing() const {
   QString listing("\n");
   foreach(Account* acct, m_Accounts)  
      listing += QString("%1\n").arg(acct->getName()); 1
   return listing;
int main() {
  QString listing;
   {                                                   2
      Bank bnk;
      Account* a1 = new Account(1, 423, "Gene Kelly");
      JointAccount* a2 = new JointAccount(2, 1541, "Fred Astaire",
         "Ginger Rodgers");
      JointAccount* a3 = new JointAccount(*a1, "Leslie Caron");
      bnk << a1;
      bnk << a2;
      bnk << a3;
      JointAccount* a4 = new JointAccount(*a3);        3
      bnk << a4;
      listing = bnk.getAcctListing();
    }                                                  4
    qDebug() << listing;
    qDebug() << "Now exit program" ;
[ . . . . ]


getName() is virtual.


Begin internal block.


What's this?


At this point, all four Accounts are destroyed as part of the destruction of the bank.

<include src="src/derivation/assigcopy/bank.cpp" href="src/derivation/assigcopy/bank.cpp" id="bankcdascpp" mode="cpp"/>


Destructors are not inherited. Just as with the copy constructor and copy assignment operator, the compiler generates a destructor if you do not define one explicitly. Base class destructors are automatically called when a derived object is destroyed. Destruction of data members and base class parts occurs in precisely the reverse order of initialization.