Chapter 1.  C++ Introduction

Table of Contents

1.1. Overview of C++
1.2. A Brief History of C++
1.3. C++ First Example
1.4. Standard Input and Output
1.4.1. Exercises: Standard Input and Output
1.5. Introduction to Functions
1.5.1. Exercises: Introduction to Functions
1.6. qmake, Project Files, and Makefile
1.6.1. #include: Finding Header Files
1.7. Getting Help Online
1.8. Strings
1.9. Streams
1.10. File Streams
1.10.1. Exercises: File Streams
1.11. Qt Dialogs for User Input/Output
1.11.1. Exercises: Qt Dialogs for User Input/Output
1.12. Identifiers, Types, and Literals
1.12.1. Exercises: Identifiers, Types, and Literals
1.13. C++ Simple Types
1.13.1. main, and Command-Line Arguments
1.13.2. Arithmetic
1.13.3. Exercises: C++ Simple Types
1.14. The Keyword const
1.15. Pointers and Memory Access
1.15.1. The Unary Operators & and *
1.15.2. Operators new and delete
1.15.3. Exercises: Pointers and Memory Access
1.16. Reference Variables
1.17. const* and *const
1.18. Review Questions
1.18.1. Points of Departure

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In this chapter, the language is introduced. Basic concepts such as keywords, literals, identifiers, declarations, native types, and type conversions are defined. Some history and evolution are discussed, along with the relationship between C++ and the C language. Some Standard Library and Qt classes are introduced.