[ fromfile: memoryaccess.xml id: arraysandfunctions ]
As in C, the declared return type of a function cannot be array (e.g., it cannot look like int[]
or char[]
or Point[]
Returning (addresses of) arrays from functions that are pointer-typed is allowed.
not recommended in the public interface of a class.
You have seen that an array is a piece of unprotected memory.
A class that encapsulates that memory should not have public member functions that return pointers to it.
Arrays are never passed to functions by value; i.e., the array elements are not copied.
If a function is called with an array in its argument list, for example,
int a[] = {10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15}; void f(int a[]) { [ ... ] } [ ... ] f(a);
then the actual value passed is only a pointer to the first element in the array.
Example 21.5 demonstrates this, by showing functions that pass and return arrays.
Example 21.5. src/arrays/returningpointers.cpp
#include <assert.h> int paramSize; void bar(int* integers) { integers[2]=3; } int* foo(int arrayparameter[]) { using namespace std; paramSize = sizeof(arrayparameter); bar(arrayparameter); return arrayparameter; } int main(int argc, char** argv) { int intarray2[40] = {9,9,9,9,9,9,9,2,1}; char chararray[20] = "Hello World"; int intarray1[20]; int* retval; // intarray1 = foo(intarray2); retval = foo(intarray2); assert (retval[2] == 3); assert (retval[2] = intarray2[2]); assert (retval == intarray2); int refSize = getSize(intarray2); assert(refSize == paramSize); return 0; }
Generated: 2012-03-02 | © 2012 Alan Ezust and Paul Ezust. |