16.1.5. Exercises: Creational Patterns

  1. Complete the implementation of the Address, Customer, and CustomerList classes.

    Apply the ideas that we discussed in Section 7.4.1 to write a CustomerWriter class. Make sure that you use the Q_PROPERTY features of Customer and Address so that your CustomerWriter class will not need to be rewritten if you change the implementation of Customer.

    Keep in mind that Address objects are stored as children of Customer objects. Here is one output format that you might consider using:

    Customer {
       objectName=Bilbo Baggins
       UsAddress {
           Line1=52 Shire Road
           Line2=Suite 6

    Another possibility arises if you make use of the Dataobject::toString() function.

  2. Write a CustomerReader class that creates all its new objects by reusing the CustomerFactory class that we supplied.

    Write a CustomerListWriter and a CustomerListReader class that serialize and deserialize lists of Customer objects. How much of the CustomerWriter/Reader code can you reuse here?

    Write client code to test your classes.

[ fromfile: factory.xml id: x-factorybenefits ]