1. There are a number of problems with the code above. The first is that it will not link, because of a missing definition of m_wadgetCount. How do we fix that problem? a. wadget.h inside class definition: static int m_wadgetCount = 0; b. wadget.h: outside class definition: static int Wadget::m_wadgetCount = 0; c. wadget.cpp: top of file int Wadget::m_wadgetCount = 0; d. wadget.cpp: top of file static int Wadget::m_wadgetCount = 0; e. wadget.cpp member initialization list: Wadget::Wadget() : m_d1(a), m_d2(b), m_wadgetCount(0) { m_wadgetCount ++; } } 2. For the declaration of static int Wadget::wadgetCount() What does the static here mean? a. function must be defined in a .cpp file b. function can only be called on static objects c. function must be called with Wadget:: scope resolution d. function name has file scope e. function can only access static members 3. For the definition of static int Wadget::wadgetCount() What does the static here mean? a. function can only access static members b. function can only be called on static objects c. function must be called with Wadget:: scope resolution d. function name is exported to the linker e. function name is not exported to the linker 4. What can we say about the definition of Wadget::calculation()? a. d1 and d2 are not accessible from the static method b. missing a 'static' before the function definition c. there is nothing wrong with this. d. both a and b e. function name is not exported to the linker (error)