E.2. C++/Qt Setup: Win32

[ fromfile: setup-win32.xml id: setup-win32 ]

There are two versions of Qt available on Win32 platforms.

  1. The mingw edition, built for g++ from MinGW (the Minimalist Gnu for Windows), can be downloaded and used for free with open source projects.

  2. The Microsoft Visual C++ version, built for a microsoft compiler such as Microsoft Visual Studio 2008.

Installing either edition is easy: the Win32 installer guides you through the process, registers extensions, and sets environment variables for you.

[Tip] Qt SDK

If you do not already have a compiler or IDE installed, then you can install the Qt SDK, which includes the libraries, mingw compiler, and QtCreator in one bundle.

After Qt is installed, you should click

Start -> Programs -> Qt by Nokia -> Build debug symbols

This may take a couple of hours.

Next, open a shell window by clicking

Start -> Programs -> Qt by Nokia -> Command Prompt

Now you can run qmake -v from the command prompt to see the currently installed version of Qt.

qmake, assistant, designer, qtdemo, qtconfig, g++, and make (or nmake if you use MS Developer's Studio) should all be findable in your search path now.

Try the qtdemo, also available from the Start menu.