19.1.1.  Table of Operators

[ fromfile: operators.xml id: operatortable ]

Table 19.2. C++ Operators

:: one Global Scope Resolution :: name R N
:: two class/namespace scope resolution className::memberName L N
-> two Member selector via ptr ptr->memberName L N
. two Member selector via obj obj.memberName L N
-> one Smart ptr obj->member R M
[ ] two Subscript operator ptr[expr] L M
( ) any [a] Function call function(argList) L N
( ) any Value construction className(argList) L M
++ one Post increment varName++ R Y
-- one Post decrement varName-- R Y
typeid one Type identification typeid(type) or typeid(expr) R N
dynamic_cast two runtime checked conv dynamic_cast<type>(expr) L N
static_cast two compile time checked conv static_cast<type>(expr) L N
reinterpret_cast two unchecked conv reinterpret_cast<type>(expr) L N
const_cast two const conv const_cast<type>(expr) L N
sizeof one Size in bytes sizeof expr or sizeof(type) R N
++ one Pre Increment ++varName R Y
-- one Pre Decrement --varName R Y
~ one Bitwise negation ~ expr R Y
! one Logical negation ! expr R Y
+, - one Unary plus, unary minus +expr or -expr R Y
* one Pointer dereference * ptr R Y
& one AddressOf & lvalue R Y
new one Allocate new type or new type(expr-list) R Y
new [ ] two Allocate array new type [ size ] L Y
delete one Deallocate delete ptr R Y
delete [ ] one Deallocate array delete [ ] ptr R M
( ) two C-style type cast ( type ) expr R N [b]
->* two Member ptr selector via ptr ptr->*ptrToMember L M
.* two Member ptr selector via obj obj.*ptrToMember L N
* two Multiply expr1 * expr2 L Y
/ two Divide expr1 / expr2 L Y
% two Remainder expr1 % expr2 L Y
+ two Add expr1 + expr2 L Y
- two Subtract expr1 - expr2 L Y
<< two Bitwise left shift expr << shiftAmt L Y
>> two Bitwise right shift expr >> shiftAmt L Y
< two Less than expr1 < expr2 L Y
<= two Less or equal expr1 <= expr2 L Y
> two Greater expr1 > expr2 L Y
>= two Greater or equal expr1 >= expr2 L Y
== two Equals [c] expr1 == expr2 L Y
!= two Not equal expr1 != expr2 L Y
& two Bitwise AND expr1 & expr2 L Y
^ two Bitwise XOR (exclusive OR) expr1 ^ e2 L Y
| two Bitwise OR (inclusive OR) expr1 | expr2 L Y
&& two Logical AND expr1 && expr2 L Y
|| two Logical OR expr1 || expr2 L Y
= two Assign expr1 = expr2 R Y
*= two Multiply and assign expr1 *= expr2 R Y
/= two Divide and assign expr1 /= expr2 R Y
%= two Modulo and assign expr1 %= expr2 R Y
+= two Add and assign expr1 += expr2 R Y
-= two Subtract and assign expr1 -= expr2 R Y
<<= two Left shift and assign expr1 <<= expr2 R Y
>>= two Right shift and assign expr1 >>= expr2 R Y
&= two And and assign expr1 &= expr2 R Y
|= two Inclusive or and assign expr1 |= expr2 R Y
^= two Exclusive or and assign expr1 ^= expr2 R Y
? : three Conditional expression bool ? expr : expr L N
throw one Throw exception throw expr R N
, two Sequential Evaluation (comma) expr , expr L Y

[a] The function call operator may be declared to take any number of operands.

[b] The type-cast operator may use constructors or conversion operators to convert custom types.

[c] This operator should not be used for float or double operands. It requires an "exact" match, which is architecture-dependent and can give unexpected results.