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Widespread Adoption of Embedded and IoT Technologies is Increasing Software Product Development Risks
ICS CEO Peter Winston discusses the three most common reasons that software development projects fail, and how developing a more meaningful focus on users and their experience can help you succeed in this article featured in Software Development Times.
October 01, 2019
Is Raspberry Pi the Right Platform for Embedded Product Development?
The Raspberry Pi was designed as a platform to teach computer science to students. Given its low cost and wide availability, is it suitable as a platform for commercial embedded products? ICS' Jeff Tranter explores this in this in a featured article on Electronic Design's website.
September 17, 2019

ICS featured in CoreAVI booth at Arm TechCon
ICS and Boston UX are excited that DiSTI will be showing our Cluster demo in the CoreAVI booth (#241) at this years Arm TechCon. The demo is built on the i.MX8 with GLS SC (GL Studio) and CoreAVI’s SC driver.
September 13, 2019
Age Well with Smart HealthTech
ICS' Stephanie Van Ness discusses challenges that UX designers face when designing smart in-home medical devices for seniors.
August 20, 2019

Software Engineering for Embedded Systems: Methods, Practical Techniques, and Applications
Check out the the newest edition of Software Engineering for Embedded Systems: Methods, Practical Techniques, and Applications where ICS' Joe Hamman has written Chapter 4, Basic Programming Techniques.
August 06, 2019
User Interface Enhances Monitor for Critical Medical Environments
Check out Design World's July issue where ICS' work with Setra Systems is featured.
July 26, 2019

Trends in UX Design: the IoT Perspective
Here are some emerging trends UX professionals should be aware of from the perspective of an embedded and IoT UX designer.
June 05, 2019
What’s Taking So Long for the Self-Driving Future to Arrive?
ICS' Stephanie Van Ness and Jeff LeBlanc discuss the future of the self-driving car in Connected World magazine. With circulation of over 300,000 readers, people turn to Connected World when they need to make sense of all the trends in a burgeoning digital world in IoT.
May 20, 2019

Focusing on Usability Can Limit Medical Device Recalls: Here’s How
In an article published in MassDevice, the online journal of the medical devices industry, ICS' Stephanie Van Ness and Rex Palmer discuss how to mitigate user error by prioritizing usability and incorporating a carefully designed user experience. Read full article.
May 15, 2019
How to Avoid Your Medical Device Being Hacked
ICS' Stephanie Van Ness discusses steps Medtech manufacturers can take to lessen the likelihood of security breaches and cyberhacking in July's issue of Medical Design & Outsourcing magazine. Check out the full article, here.
May 14, 2019