Marketing Push
This week we did some marketing to promote the project. I made a posting to the callback developer mailing list and we put a link to this blog from the ICS web site. Quim Gil of Nokia kindly made a posting to the Nokia Qt blog. I also recorded a podcast with Mark Hatch for the ICS This Week in Qt podcast. All of this effort stimulated some good discussion on the blogs and callback developer mailing list.
Based on comments from some of the Qt 5 and WebKit developers, we will need to implement the Web View differently in Qt 5 since the QWebView widget will likely not be available on mobile devices in Qt 5, just on desktop. Possibly we could use a QML WebView element but the architecture is changing significantly with WebKit2 in Qt 5, particularly in the way that it will be exposed to JavaScript. I am having discussions with the relevant developers to come up with a strategy.
Meanwhile we're continuing to use the initial "quick and dirty" changes to the Qt 4 version of callback-qt that get it to compile with Qt 5. I'm hoping to get those changes committed this week. Work is progressing on the Compass and Accelerometer functions. I've been in touch with the Qt 4 PhoneGap developer Viras about working together and was pleased to hear that he also wants to help with the Qt 5 port.
We're hoping to get some Raspberry Pi boards around the end of the month. The first production build of 10,000 units is in progress and some are allocated to ICS. If you are interested in Raspberry Pi in general, you may want to follow the ICS Raspberry Pi blog.