Live Webinar: Creating Advanced GUIs for Low-power MCUs with Qt
April 22, 1 pm EDT — Considering developing and designing user interfaces for MCUs? Everyone from UX designers to software developers will learn tricks to avoid pitfalls that will slow your product development at our latest webinar with The Qt Company. Register Now >>

Welcome to ICS' March Newsletter
Have you developed with microcontrollers? We’re excited about this tiny tech, often referred to as MCU, which is powering the IoT revolution. By 2023, there will be nearly 30 billion connected devices in the world and nearly all will incorporate an MCU. Already, almost 25% of the devices we develop at ICS include MCUs.
To help you explore their potential, we’re putting together a variety of new technical content, including webinars, eBooks and a blog series, The Smart Revolution. You’ll find parts 1 and 2 in this issue, along with the live webinar Creating Advanced GUIs for Low-power MCUs with Qt, and a blog on the new Raspberry Pi Pico, which combines the Raspberry Pi and the MCU.
Also inside: live webinars on Ubiquitous QuickBoot, and safeguarding medical devices from cyber threats, as well as virtual training to help you learn to build an embedded device with Qt.
Mark Hatch, COO

Live Webinar: Improving User Experience with Ubiquitous QuickBoot
March 25, 1 pm EDT — In this webinar, we will introduce QuickBoot and show how it can solve slow cold boot times. Register Now >>

Microcontrollers are Reshaping Development
Microcontrollers are everywhere, powering the IoT revolution. This blog is the first in a series on the tiny tech. Read More >>

Ready to Join the Microcontroller Revolution?
Developing with MCUs? Explore four key areas around which you’ll have to make important decisions. Read More >>

10 Surprising Things About the New Raspberry Pi Pico
Check out this new offering combining the Raspberry Pi and microcontrollers. Read More >>
Live Webinar: Safeguard your Medical Devices from Cyber Threats
April 8, 12 pm EDT — In this webinar with Q1 Productions, we'll share our experience creating medical device software, discuss common areas of vulnerability for medical devices and talk about how to address these vulnerabilities in an efficient way. Register Now >>
Virtual Training: Building an Embedded Application with Qt
Learn how to build a Qt application for an embedded device using Raspberry Pi. We'll give you a thorough understanding on how to use QML and the Qt API to create an application from an empty screen to a full graphic UI. April & June now enrolling! Learn More >>
Upcoming Events
MD&M | BIOMEDigital, April 6 & 7
Visit ICS and hear our tech talk at MD&M and BIOMEDevice which are joining forces to provide you with a fully dedicated medtech virtual experience. Tune in to learn about the latest in digital health, 3D printing, software and security, surgical robotics, and more. Learn More >>
DEV/DES Days 2021, May 18 - 21
ICS is sponsoring DEV/DES Days, the free virtual event where 3000+ software developers and designers will get inspired by keynotes and learn from hands-on sessions and each other. Learn More >>