2.6.  Friends of a Class

[ fromfile: friends.xml id: friends ]

Now that you know about accessibility rules, you need to know how to occasionally break them. The friend mechanism makes it possible for a class to allow nonmember functions to access its private data. The keyword friend is followed by a class or a function declaration. friend declarations are located inside a class definition. Here are some syntax examples.

class Timer {
   friend class Clock;
   friend void Time::toString();
   friend ostream& operator <<(ostream& os, const Timer& obj);
   long m_Elapsed;

A friend can be a class, a member function of another class, or a nonmember function. In the preceding example, the class Clock is a friend, so all Clock member functions can access Timer::m_Elapsed. Time::toString() is a friend of Timer and is assumed (by the compiler) to be a valid member of class Time. The third friend is a nonmember function, an overloaded insertion operator, which inserts its second argument into the output stream and returns a reference to the stream so that the operation can be chained.

Breaking encapsulation can compromise the maintainability of your programs, so you should use the friend mechanism sparingly and carefully. Typically, friend functions are used for two purposes.

  1. For Factory methods when you want to enforce creational rules (Section 16.1) on a class.

  2. For global operator functions such as operator<<() and operator>>() when you do not want to make the operator a member function, or do not have write-access to the class definition.