
Creating QML Controls From Scratch: Dialog

By Chris Cortopassi


Continuing our QML Controls from Scratch series, this time we will implement a Dialog that supports an arbitrary number of Buttons (and we reuse our Button control).

Its public API includes the text to show, an array of strings for the buttons, and a clicked() signal that provides the index of the button the user clicked. Unlike other controls in the series, Dialog is full screen so we place it at the root level in Test.qml and at the bottom so it is highest in z order (i.e. on top).

The client code (in Test.qml) takes responsibility for managing the visible property of the Dialog. We need to provide a MouseArea to prevent touches on anything but the Buttons from passing through to (hidden) controls beneath the Dialog.


import QtQuick 2.0

Rectangle { // white background
    id: root
// public
    property string  text:    'text'
    property variant buttons: []//'0', '1']
    signal clicked(int index);  //onClicked: print('onClicked', index)
// private
    width: 500;  height: 500 // default size
    MouseArea{anchors.fill: parent} // don't allow touches to pass to MouseAreas underneath
    Text { // text
        text: root.text
        anchors{centerIn: parent;  verticalCenterOffset: -0.1 * root.height}
        font.pixelSize: 0.1 * root.height
        width: 0.9 * parent.width
        wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
        horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
    Row { // buttons
        id: row
        anchors{bottom: parent.bottom;  horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter;  bottomMargin: 0.1 * root.height}
        spacing: 0.03 * root.width
        Repeater {
            id: repeater
            model: buttons
            delegate: Button {
                width: Math.min(0.5 * root.width, (0.9 * root.width - (repeater.count - 1) * row.spacing) / repeater.count)
                height: 0.2 * root.height
                text:  modelData
                onClicked: root.clicked(index)


import QtQuick 2.0

Dialog {
    id: dialog
    text: 'Are you sure?'
    buttons: ['No', 'Yes']
    onClicked: visible = false


Hopefully, this post has helped you master Dialog. In the next installment in the Creating QML Controls from Scratch series, we'll create PageDots. The source code can be downloaded here. Be sure to check out my webinar on-demand. I walk you through all 17 QML controls with code examples.