C.4.1.  Building a Debuggable Target

[ fromfile: debugging.xml id: builddebug ]

For gdb to work, debugging symbols must be built into the code at compile time. Otherwise, the machine instructions will not be mapped to locations in C++ source files. This is easily accomplished by using the appropriate command-line switch (-g) when invoking the compiler:

g++ -g filename.cpp

This often results in a significantly larger executable file. Generally, the growth is proportional to the size and complexity of the source code files. The expanded executable contains symbol table information that the debugger can use to find source code that corresponds to machine instructions. To get qmake to generate makefiles with the debugging options switched on, add the following line to your qmake project file:

CONFIG += debug

When the Qt library has been built with debugging symbols, you can step through the Qt source code just as easily as your own code. You may need to build Qt with debugging symbols to debug programs that contain code called from the Qt library (most GUI programs, for example).

[Tip] Building Qt with Debugging Symbols

In Win32, it's a menu choice you can click on. On *nix platforms, after unpacking the source code tarball, pass a parameter to the configure script before building, and your Qt library can be built with debug symbols.

./configure --enable-debug
make install