
C++ References

[Stroustrup97] The C++ Programming Language. Special Edition. Bjarne Stroustrup. 1997. Addison Wesley. 0-201-70073-5.

[Meyers] Effective C++. Scott Meyers. 1999-2005. Addison Wesley Professional Software Series . 0321334876.

[interpreter-pattern] “The C++ Interpreter Pattern for Grammar Management”. Stephen Morris. 2006. .

Qt References

[Blanchette08] C++ GUI programming with Qt 4. Jasmin Blanchette and Mark Summerfield. Second Edition. 2008. Prentice Hall.

[Summer11] Advanced Qt Programming. Mark Summerfield. 2011. Prentice Hall.

[Thelin07] Foundations of Qt Development. Johan Thelin. 2007.

[Molkentin06] The book of Qt 4. Daniel Molkentin. 2006. No Starch Press.

[kdestyle] “KDE Style Guidelines”. Coding .

[qtapistyle] “Designing Qt-Style C++ APIs”. Matthias Ettrich. 2005 . Trolltech .

[qtcodingstyle] “Qt Coding Style”. Community Project. 2010 . Trolltech .

[qttestlib] “Writing Unittests for Qt 4 and KDE4 with QtTestLib”. Brad Hards. 2005 . .

OOP References

[Buschmann96] Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture. First Edition. Frank Buschmann. Regine Meunier. Hans Rohnert. Peter Sommerlad. Michael Stal. 1996. John Wiley & Sons. 0-471-95869-7 .

[Fowler04] UML Distilled. Third Edition. Martin Fowler. 2004. Addison Wesley. 0-321-19368-7 .

[Gamma95] Design Patterns. Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software. Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, and John Vlissides. 1995. Addison-Wesley. 0-201-63361-2.

[Koenig95] Patterns and Antipatterns. Andrew Koenig. 1995. Journal of Object-Oriented Programming 8,(1) . pgs 46-48.

[Martin98] Pattern Languages of Program Design 3. Robert C. Martin, Dirk Riehle, and Frank Buschmann. 1998. Addison-Wesley. pgs 293-312. 0-201-31011-2.

Docbook References

[docbook] Docbook: The Definitive Guide. Norman Walsh. 2006. O'reilly Associates .

[docbookxsl] Docbook XSL: The Complete Guide. Bob Stayton. 2005. SageHill Enterprises .

Miscellaneous References

[dist] Downloadable Resources for this Book. Our Dist Directory .

[xhtmlw3c] “w3c Recommendation: XHTML 1.0 The Extensible HyperText Markup Language”. 2005. W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) .

[Friedl98] Mastering Regular Expressions. Second Edition. Jeffrey Friedl. 1998. O'Reilly. 1-56592-257-3.

[Rehman03] The Linux Development Platform. Rafeeq Ur Rehman and Christopher Paul. 2003. Prentice Hall. 0-13-009115-4.

[Guzdial07] Introduction to Computing & Programming with Java, A Multimedia Approach. Mark Guzdial and Barbara Ericson. 2007. Prentice Hall. 0-13-149698-0.